This experiential museum located in the former US Customhouse reveals authentic stories of Underground Railroad freedom seekers and abolitionists in Niagara Falls during and after the Civil War.
Start your visit with the exhibit in the atrium of the Amtrak Station, then check in at the Welcome Desk. Proceed through the museum from left to right (signifying south to north and slavery to freedom), to witness the long and tumultuous journey of the Underground Railroad up to the point of reaching Niagara Falls.
Powerful imagery and content on the "Network Wall" communicates that this “railroad” comprised a network of people, routes, and means of transport. It also serves as a metaphor for human movement, and a reminder that slavery removed basic human rights, compelling freedom seekers to escape at great risk. Meet people from the period, activate scenarios, and uncover details that reveal individuals’ purpose and role in the Underground Railroad.
The heart of the Underground Railroad stories are told in the Center’s Cataract House dining room and reception recreation. Hear the stories of the African American waiters who worked at tourist hotels like the Cataract House actively resisting slavery and living double lives by serving hotel guests while secretly helping freedom seekers cross the Niagara River into Canada.
Freedom seekers’ dramatic final leg of escape to Canada was made across the roaring Niagara River by boat, ferry, or bridge and aided by important figures such as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, John Morrison, and Patrick Sneed.
Visitors are inspired to recognize modern injustices that stem from slavery and to take action toward an equitable society.